About me

Hey, I'm Sean. I'm currently studying UX Design at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), where I'm a Director for FLUX (Future Leaders of UX), as well as a Co-Founder and Director for CoLabs in Atlanta. Before coming to SCAD, I spent two years at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) studying neuroscience, during which I developed an appreciation for research, and behavioral sciences. I began using basic usability testing as a freelance editor and content designer, which lead to significant growth, and introduced me to UX design as a career. Now I'm loving my time learning from and collaborating with others.

What I'm up to


Co-Founder, Director, SCAD Atlanta

01/24 - Present

After transferring to SCAD I noticed a lack of early portfolio projects, and resources. Myself and a few of my peers made CoLabs to connect students of all majors and provide a space for them to learn by doing. In just two months we went from ideation to running weekly studio sessions for the fastest growing student organization at SCAD, with over 60 student members across 5 universities, and support from the Savannah College of Art and Design's Career and Alumni Success Department.

As Director of CoLabs at SCAD in Atlanta, I manage regional development, business strategy, and studio sessions.


Co-Director, SCAD Atlanta

09/23 - Present

Future Leaders of UX (FLUX) is an extremely successful club in Savannah, but in Atlanta, FLUX struggled to effectively build a community. I spent my first months as an officer planning events, and trying to bring the UX students in Atlanta together. Because of the smaller student body in Atlanta, I promote CoLabs as an interdisciplinary space for community building, while focusing FLUX on offering career development resources for UX students like mentorship, professional guests, as well as essential skill building activities and workshops.

As Co-Director of FLUX in Atlanta, I work on event planning, outreach, workshops, promotion, and club collaboration.



UX Design


UX Design

The Rounds

Usability testing


PM/UX Design